Next events:
CONVERGENCE III, June 14, 19:30, in Lettrétage, Veteranenstraße 21, 10119 Berlin, organized by Kross Collective
Girl, Show Me That Body (Of Work), June 21, 19:30, in Lettrétage, Veteranenstraße 21, 10119 Berlin, organized by Kross Collective
Poetic Hafla, July 12, 20:00, in Lettrétage, Veteranenstraße 21, 10119 Berlin
Andreea Hriscu (b. 1984, Bucharest, Romania) is a Berlin based experimental visual, performance and sound artist.
With a background in architecture, she opened her first solo painting exhibition in 2016 at the Romanian Cultural Institute in Beijing, China, and her first live painting performance in 2018 in Beijing, followed by other performances in Bangkok and Berlin. Her B&W photography and painting are mostly abstract, her sound projects constitute of dark ambient soundscapes, void drones and noise and her painting performances are dark, emotional, and viscerally intense. They explore and embody different aspects of the psyche: the subconscious, the hidden aspects of the self and the unfelt raw emotions. Within this embodiment, she becomes fully immersed in the artistic process, blurring the boundaries between the self, the process, and the object.
She is co-founder of Kross Collective, together with Daniel Bryden and Tom Bresemann, organizing experimental intersectional art events in Berlin.

Exhibitions & Performances:
"Improvised & Experimental #192" - March 7 2024 - Sound+live painting performance in collaboration with sound artist Days Like Television, for the season opening of Hosek Contemporary, Berlin
"Convergence I" - February 10, 2024 - Two performances -1.Sound-poetry performance on a poem by Georg Leß, 2. Live painting performance in collaboration with sound artist Days Like Television, organized by Kross Collective, Lettrétage, Berlin
"Echoes of the Mind" - June 21, 2023 - Art performance in collaboration with the sound artist Days Like Television, as part of the "Poetic Hafla" series taking place regularly in Lettrétage, Berlin
"Persephone's Descent" - February 17, 2023 - Live painting performance in collaboration with the sound artist Days Like Television
presented at Untergeschoss der Pandora Art Gallery, Berlin
"Waltzing the Storm - A duo for Turbulent Times" - July 7, 2022 - Live painting performance in collaboration with the artist Renee T. Coloumbe on piano during 'Anarchy in the Garden', festival for women in experimental arts, Kühlspot, Berlin
"Emerge feat Nekronoise & Andreea" - July 2019 - Painting Performance in collaboration with the experimental music groups Emerge and Nekronoise, An Der Autobhan, Berlin, Germany
"Experimental War" - April 2018 - Painting Performance in collaboration with the experimental music group Silent ((O))), The Overstay, Bangkok, Thailand
"Experimental Edge" - July 2018 - Painting Performance in collaboration with the experimental music group Silent ((O))), Jam Bar, Bangkok, Thailand
"I'll Show You Fear in a Handful of Dust" - April 2018 - Painting Performance in collaboration with the experimental music group DFA 89, Yue Space, Beijing, China
"Invisible Landscapes" - April 2018 - Painting Performance in collaboration with the experimental music group DFA 89, DDC, Beijing, China
"Bangbangbangbang" - August 2016 - Group Exhibition, No Way Space, Caochangdi Art District, Beijing, China
"Artists Without Borders Show" - August 2016 - Group Exhibition, Exclamation Gallery, 798 Art District, Beijing, China
"A Dance With Nothingness" - April 2016 - Solo paining exhibition at the Romanian Cultural Institute, Beijing, China
Dansul cu neantul - Dialog cu artista Andreea Hriscu – Interviu realizat de Nina Gherman pentru Radio China International